Transient Student Header

What is a Transient Student? 

A transient student is a student enrolled at another college or university who is taking classes at NACC for the express purpose of transferring credit back to the home college or university.

What are the perks of being a transient student at NACC? 

  • NACC courses are less than half the cost of those at four-year universities
  • NACC courses are GUARANTEED to transfer to any public university in Alabama!
  • EARN an associate's degree at NACC 
Link to visit NACC
Link to Transient Contact Card
Link to Apply to NACC

NACC Student

What are the Steps to Apply?

  1.  Complete the Transient Contact Card
  2.  Complete an  Application for Admission
  3.  *Provide a Transient Letter from the Current Institution to the NACC Admissions Office
  4.  Contact the Transient Student Advisor, Angie Bain, at 
  5.  Register for approved courses through the MyNACC portal
  6.  Pay for courses using the MyNACC portal

What is a Transient Letter?

A transient letter is an official letter from the home institution certifying that the credit earned at NACC will be accepted as part of the student's academic program. No transcript is needed. 

NACC Catalog link
Academic Calendar
Class Schedule link
link to nacc student services


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NACC has been dedicated to serving the community through excellence in education since 1965. As a community college, we are a firm foundation for our students.
