First Time College Students
First-time students must first complete an Application for Admission. Once the student's application for admission has been processed by the Admissions Office, the student may meet with their advisor for guidance on what classes to take and instructions on how to register through the student's MyNACC portal.
Current Students
Current students can register online through their MyNACC portal after meeting with their advisor each semester.
Transfer Students
Students transferring from other colleges must first complete an Application for Admission. Once the student's application for admission has been processed by the Admissions Office, the student can meet with their advisor for guidance on what classes to take and instructions on how to register through the student's MyNACC portal.
Transient Students
Transient students must complete an Application for Admission, provide a transient letter from their current institution to the Admissions Office. Once items have been received by the Admissions Office, the student may register for approved courses through their MyNACC portal.
Returning Northeast Students
Students who have previously attended Northeast not attended within one year from previous term must submit an updated Application for Admission and send transcripts of any other college work taken since leaving Northeast to the Admissions Office. Once the student's application for admission has been processed by the Admissions Office, the student may meet with their advisor for guidance on what classes to take and instructions on how to register through the student's MyNACC portal.
Dual Enrollment/Accelerated Students
Dual Enrollment/Accelerated students must complete an Application for Admissions (must choose Dual Enrollment). For questions, please call 256-638-4418 ext. 2228 or email for more information.
See more at: Dual-Enrollment
Registration by appointment dates are located on the Academic Calendar. Students may make an appointment to register with their advisor using AdvisorTrac. Instructions for using AdvisorTrac are located on the Academic Advising page. Once students have been advised by their advisor, students can register online using their MyNACC account.
Students should print an Alabama Transfers even if they are unsure about transferring after Northeast and make a copy of the guide for their advisor and keep one for themselves (See Planning to Transfer).
Students must pay in full by the first day of class unless scholarships, grants, or other assistance is arranged.
Courses showing Out of Degree Plan at the bottom of students' DegreeWorks audit will affect a student’s Pell Grant Award. It could also affect other financial aid, scholarships, or a student’s plan to graduate or transfer to another institution. If a course is showing in the Out of Degree Plan portion of DegreeWorks, the student should contact their advisor.
The dates for late registration by appointment are located on the Academic Calendar. Students may make an appointment with their advisor to register using AdvisorTrac. Instructions for using AdvisorTrac are located on the Academic Advising page. Students should print an Alabama Transfers even if they are unsure about transferring after Northeast and make a copy of the guide for their advisor and keep one for themselves (See Planning to Transfer). Students must pay tuition on the day they register unless scholarships, grants, or other assistance is arranged. If the student is not already registered, a $25 late fee is added unless a special provision is made. If the student is already registered, there is no fee for a schedule change during the late registration period.
Courses showing Out of Degree Plan at the bottom of students' DegreeWorks audit will affect a student’s Pell Grant Award. It could also affect other financial aid, scholarships, or a student’s plan to graduate or transfer to another institution. If a course is showing in the Out of Degree Plan portion of DegreeWorks, the student should contact their advisor.
An overload is a total of more than 19 credit hours in one semester. For permission to register for 20 to 24 hours, students must contact the Dean of Instruction.
Dean of Instruction
PA 121; Ext. 2240
"Auditing" is taking a course without receiving a grade or credit. A student who wishes to audit a course must have the permission of the instructor concerned. Students who audit a course must follow the regular admission and registration procedures and are governed by the regulations applied to regular students. The student pays the regular course fees but is not required to participate in class discussions, take tests, make reports, or take the final examination and does not receive credit. The student is listed on the class roll and receives a grade of “AU” for a final grade and zero credit hours for the course. Students may change from Credit to Audit or from Audit to Credit during the “Drop-Add” period at the beginning of the semester but may not change thereafter. Financial Aid will not cover the cost of audited courses.
Registration is not complete until all tuition and fees are paid in full. Students who have not completed the registration process cannot sign in to Canvas for online classes and are not listed on class rolls. Any student who believes they are incompletely registered should contact the cashier or the financial aid office.
Business Office/Cashier: Wallace Building, Room 125 or 122
Phone: (256) 228-6001 or 638-4418, Extension 2313
Financial Aid: Wallace Building, Room 101
Phone: (256) 228-6001 or 638-4418, Extension 2203, 2227, or 2204
During registration before a student has paid for courses, students can drop classes, add classes, or change classes from credit to audit or audit to credit directly from their MyNACC account or the student can make an appointment in AdvisorTrac with their advisor to make schedule changes on campus. If a student has already paid for courses, the student must see their advisor, complete the change in schedule form and complete the change in schedule process. Students receiving financial aid should contact the financial aid office before making schedule changes. Students should process payment for any outstanding charges. Any refunds will be processed through the refund policy process. A student's permanent record will show only the classes remaining at the end of Late Registration after all changes are made.
Read important Cautions.
The drop/add period indicated on the Academic Calendar is the same as late registration. During late registration before a student has paid for courses, students can drop classes, add classes, or change classes from credit to audit or audit to credit by making an appointment in AdvisorTrac with their advisor. Online registration is not available once classes begin. If a student has already paid for courses, the student must see their advisor, complete the change in schedule form and complete the change in schedule process. Students receiving financial aid should contact the financial aid office before making schedule changes. Students should process payment for any outstanding charges. Any refunds will be processed through the refund policy process. A student's permanent record will show only the classes remaining at the end of Late Registration after all changes are made.
Students can withdraw from classes by making an appointment in AdvisorTrac with their advisor. Students wishing to completely withdraw from all classes must complete a “Withdrawal” form. Students receiving financial aid should contact the financial aid office before withdrawing. Students who completely withdraw from all classes should review the refund policy to determine the refunds available. Classes dropped will be marked on the student's record with W, which does not affect grade point calculations.
Read important Cautions.
After late registration, students cannot add additional courses. Students can drop classes or withdraw completely but must drop/withdraw before the Last Day to Drop/Withdraw as indicated on the Academic Calendar. Students should allow time to see an advisor and financial aid official before the deadline. Dropping and withdrawing from classes is not available online once classes begin. Students can drop only one class, multiple classes or withdraw completely from all classes.
Students can drop classes or withdraw from classes by making an appointment in AdvisorTrac with their advisor. Students dropping classes must complete the “change in schedule” form while students wishing to completely withdraw from all classes must complete a “Withdrawal” form. Students receiving financial aid should contact the financial aid office before making schedule changes. No refund is due for a partial withdrawal after late registration. Students who completely withdraw from all classes should review the refund policy to determine the refunds available. Classes dropped will be marked on the student's record with W, which does not affect grade point calculations.
Read important Cautions.
Failure to drop or withdraw through proper procedures will result in a low final grade or F (all missed work will earn a “zero”). A student should never quit attending classes without officially dropping courses.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all paperwork and processes are completed. The college will not be responsible if paperwork is not processed or messages are not received by the appropriate personnel.
Students can make appointments with their advisor using AdvisorTrac. Advisors’ email addresses, offices, and phone extensions are listed in the Faculty-Staff Directory.
Changing a class load will affect future financial assistance. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss this issue with the relevant financial aid, scholarship, etc. personnel before making a decision. Any veteran who drops a class may be required to repay the Veterans Administration a part of the benefits derived up to the point in which the class was dropped.
Changing a class load might affect personal insurance coverage or other personal business matters outside the college. It is the student’s responsibility to determine the effect of dropping classes.
Full policies of Northeast Alabama Community College are published in the Faculty and Staff Handbook (employment policies), or the Catalog (academic and student policies), or can be obtained from the Office of the President. While this website attempts to present information accurately, it does not constitute the complete statement of policies of Northeast Alabama Community College. Contents are subject to change without notice.
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