AX - Annex
BE - Harry Campbell Business Education Building
EN - English Building
GY - William M. Beck Health & Fine Arts Building
HE - Health Education & Technology Center
IC - Industry Training Center
IS - Industrial Systems Technology Center
KX - E. R. Knox Science Building CLOSED
LI - Cecil B. Word Learning Resources Center
LY - Tom Bevill Lyceum
MT - Math, Science, and Engineering Technology Building PA - Charles M. Pendley Administration Building
SC - Student Center
SI - Salon Institute at 105 Liberty Lane, Scottsboro
SS - Social Science CLOSED
TC - Technology Center
WA - George C. Wallace Administration Building
WD - Workforce Development Building
WT - Workforce Development Skills Training Center
is located on:
Lowell Barron Drive
138 Alabama Hwy 35
Rainsville, AL 35986
Mailing address: PO Box 159, Rainsville, AL 35986
Expandable map at Google™ Maps
Find NACC on your GPS by entering either the coordinates 34.545,-85.913
or the name "Northeast Alabama Community College" (not the street address).
Alumni & Giving
Support NACC
NACC has been dedicated to serving the community through excellence in education since 1965. As a community college, we are a firm foundation for our students.